Protein Demystified
Mixed martial artists are among the most inspiring athletes in the world. In addition to the intense cardio endurance that is necessary to survive numerous rounds of fighting, these athletes require impressive musculature. This physique is not only crucial for delivering powerful strikes; it also plays a vital role alongside smooth technique in developing solid Jiu Jitsu and wrestling skills. Anyone who has attempted to submit an opponent in an arm bar or a rear naked choke knows that practically all muscles in the body work in conjunction to control the fight. In order to tone and build muscle, dietary protein intake becomes of key importance. It’s nearly impossible nowadays to peruse a health store or watch sporting event commercials without being inundated by a broad spectrum of protein products. It can be difficult in this media driven Alice in Protein-land to obtain a true understanding of what proteins are, how they function, and what kinds athletes like MMA fighters should seek out for maximum performance.
Don’t be intimidated or impressed by the scientific terms that companies use to market their products. Slogans like “special peptides” and “complex amino acids” are often used to sell protein powders and power bars. The language of proteins can be simplified as follows. Proteins are nutrients composed of strings of compounds called amino acids. There are twenty amino acids available to build proteins, some of which the body can produce, and some are essential to consume since the body is unable to construct them. Smaller fragments of amino acids that are not full proteins are called peptide chains, or simply peptides.
Proteins are vital parts of a diet since they serve numerous functions. They form hormones, immune system components, and they help to speed up bodily processes. They are also involved in the structure of bodily tissues, including muscle which accounts for close to 40% of body weight. Therefore protein becomes crucial in the process of building muscle. Since there is no storage form of protein, the absence of this nutrient in a diet will cause the body to break down muscle tissue.
Protein for Athletic Performance
The average American consumes over 100 grams of protein per day. This is often in excess of the minimum amount required for normal metabolic functions. The current recommended daily allowance for protein in adults is determined by weight. For every kg of body weight, 0.8 grams of proteins should be consumed. The average westerner consuming this amount of protein has more than enough to really pack on muscle. So in opposition to all the ads that promote incredibly high protein intake, studies suggest that the most important factors for building muscle are the types of proteins ingested, and the timing of their consumption. Athletes therefore must consume the right proteins as soon as possible after exercise to maximize muscle development. While there is not a consensus regarding maximum protein intake limits, it should be noted that extreme protein consumption puts extra pressure on the liver and kidneys.
The goal of bodybuilding is muscle growth, sometimes referred to on bodybuilding websites as muscle hypertrophy. For this to occur, the amount of protein found in the muscle needs to be increased. Proteins in the body are constantly breaking down and being created. In order for muscles to grow, the rate of protein production needs to be greater than the rate of protein breakdown. After exercise, it is more common for proteins to break apart than it is for proteins to be produced. Without food directly after a workout of resistance training, more protein will be broken down than created. Proteins and complex carbohydrates eaten right after exercise will ensure that there will be enough protein available to let muscles grow even though some protein will still be broken down. Eating glucose, the most common type of carbohydrate found in most food, increases insulin levels which help to reduce protein loss. It is ideal to consume 30-40 grams of protein right after intense resistance training. Even consuming as little as 15 grams of protein after training can be influential. Essential amino acids also greatly contribute to protein assembly in the muscles.
Of the essential amino acids, the three “branch chain amino acids”, leucine, isoleucine and valine are key players to promote growth of muscle. These are often abbreviated on food labels as BCAAs. While most amino acids are processed by the liver, these three are brought directly in the muscle, and leucine in particular can be completely broken down to supply energy for the muscle directly. High doses of leucine have been shown to help prevent the breakdown of protein. Dairy products, whey and eggs are good sources of this trio of amino acids. [1]
Plant vs. Animal Protein- Preventing Bone Weakness
Animal protein has been shown to be 90% to 99% digestible, whereas plant protein is about 70% to 90% digestible. Despite this difference, a balance of plant and animal protein is important. For example if an athlete consumes high amounts of animal products immediately following exercise to promote muscle growth, the rest of the protein intake for the day should include plant sources of protein. The reason for this has to do with the fact animal protein is more acidic than plant protein. A diet with mostly animal protein and low in plant protein can lead to the weakening of bones. With so much acid buildup in the blood from animal protein, calcium will seep out of bones to help buffer and neutralize the acidity. Calcium loss from bone tissue results in substandard bone quality. [2]
While strong bones are important for any sport, they are particularly important for MMA training. Throughout history martial artists have trained their limbs to become accustomed to intense impact. The tiny micro-fractures that result from this impact training actually help to fortify the bone and make it denser and stronger. This is why highly trained mixed martial artists don’t even flinch when they use their shins to block Muay Thai style leg kicks. Calcium loss to a fighter’s bones can be avoided by making sure to include a variety of protein. In addition to the protein sources mentioned in the vegan section below, other sources include natural peanut butter, lentils, quinoa, and even broccoli.
Protein for Vegans
The quality of protein is for the most part assessed with regards to its amino acid composition. A high quality protein food contains what is known as “complete protein.” This means that all of the essential amino acids are present. Foods with complete protein include animal products like milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, meat, fish and poultry. While most people consume animal products regularly, consuming the right proteins can be problematic for vegans. The practice known to vegans as mutual supplementation is a method that combines forms of incomplete plant protein within meals to create a complete protein source. It is generally accepted that vegans should obtain 60% of protein from grains, 35% from legumes (seed pod plants like beans), and 5 % from leafy greens. For an average 155 lb (70 kg) vegan, a days worth of proper protein intake would include four slices of whole wheat bread, 2 ½ cups of grains from oatmeal, brown rice, and cracked wheat, ¼ cup nuts or seeds, 1 ¼ servings of beans, and 2 cups of vegetables, half of which should be leafy greens. [3]
The Disturbing Truth About Soy
Hailed as the high protein miracle food of our generation, there is a much darker side to soy products that is unknown to the general public. Perhaps this is because soy is crop grown with government subsidies used as a cheap protein source for factory farm animals. While it is true that soy beans have high protein content with essential amino acids, there is much evidence to suggest that soy products should not be a staple of any diet.
The most important enzyme that aids in protein digestion is trypsin. Soy products when taken in excess slow down this enzyme and interrupt proper protein digestion. While this fact is true for many other healthy veggies, the cooking process prevents them from interfering with digestion. Cooking soy on the other hand does little to stop it from disturbing digestion. The safest form of soy is tempeh, because the fermentation technique use to make this food deactivates most of the harmful effects of soy. Soymilk and tofu on the other hand are less processed soy foods so they are more likely to cause problems.
Another issue with soy is that it interferes with hormone production. Soy contains phytoestrogens which in structure are very similar to human estrogen. When consumed, these compounds act as if they were real human estrogen. Obviously excess estrogen is the last thing that fighters want to bring into the ring. As if this weren’t enough, studies have shown that soy can also block the construction of the thyroid hormones which helps to regulate metabolism of all foods.
Keep in mind that these problems occur when soy is consumed in excess. There are many other healthy vegetables that can cause the same problems as soy, but they pose less of a threat because they aren’t eaten as often. Between soy milk, protein bars, soy protein powder, soy fortified breads and tofu, there are many Americans that consume large quantities of soy in every meal. Soy doesn’t need to be eliminated from the diet, but it needs to be monitored. Throwing tofu chunks into a salad a few times a week and having some edamame with sushi or even a soy latte on occasion will not be harmful. Any food when eaten in excess can have negative consequences. Variety they say is the spice of life, and it is also the best way to maintain a healthy diet. [4]
1. Koopman, R., Saris, W. H. M., Wagenmakers, A. J. M., & van Loon, L. J. C. (2007). Nutritional interventions to promote post-exercise muscle protein synthesis. [Review]. Sports Medicine, 37(10), 895-906.
Sellmeyer DE, Stone KL, Sebastian A, Cummings SR. A high ratio of dietary animal to vegetable protein intake increases the rate of bone loss and the risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Study of Osteoporotic
Fractures Research Group. Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 73: 118-22.
3. Gropper, S.S., Smith, J.L., Groff, J.L., ( 2005). Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism (4th ed.) Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth
4. Daniel, K.T., (2007). The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food. Washington, DC: New Trends Publishing Inc.